Our Work

Our Work - Wild Horses

Dedicated to the protection and preservation of these unique-to-Alberta wild horses that have roamed freely in the foothills of the stunning Canadian Rockies for hundreds of years.

The-Trio - Snow

HAWS in the News

Check out the latest media coverage HAWS has received.


HAWS Press Releases

Follow up on the latest press releases of the Help Alberta Wildies Society.

Government Horse Count

View the maps and charts summarizing the annual results of Alberta’s wild horse survey counts starting back in 2013.​


HAWS is dedicated to spreading vital information regarding the wellness and protection of Alberta’s wild horses, but they aren’t the only ones. Learn more about this cause from a variety of reliable sources.


Witness the beauty, strength, and resilience of these majestic creatures as they roam freely in the stunning Canadian Rockies.

HAWS Facebook Page

Follow along with our adventures as we campaign for the safety and well-being of Alberta’s wild horses.